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Natural pools
In summer nothing better to do than refreshing in natural pools, with clear waters like this one at Abadía
Summer and water
Say goodbye to hot, in summer come to Ambroz Valley and enjoy our natural pools, with clear waters like this one at Casas del Monte
Autumn colours
Its dense and leafy forests keep a special magic, that in fall explodes into a colourful landscape
Sports and Nature
Ambroz Valley is the perfect place for making sports submerged in virgin nature
magical autumn > valle-ambroz-natura-2000-network
Natura 2000 Network

The Ambroz Valley is a territory of 235 km2 of which more than 80% is protected within two spaces of the Natura 2000 Network, specifically the Special Conservation Zones (ZEC) Sierra de Gredos - Valle del Jerte, code ES4320038 ( 113 Km2) and the ZEC Granadilla ES4320013 (70 Km2).

magic autumn in natura 2000 network

 ZEC Sierra de Gredos - Valle del Jerte (ES4320038)


It is a high mountain area northeast of the province of Cáceres, bordering Salamanca and a fragment of Ávila. It includes the Valle del Jerte and the Ambroz Valley, as well as the westernmost part of the Central System, the Sierra de Gredos. The zone is delimited to the west by the valley of the Alagón river, to the north by the abrupt zones of the southeast of Salamanca. To the south its limit is found in the lower areas of the regions of La Vera and Valle del Jerte. The altitude of the area varies from 800 meters above the height of the sea until exceeding widely the 2000 meters in the most northern summits of this space. It is linked by the Tiétar River to the Monfragüe Natural Park.


A total of 37 elements referred to in the Directive are represented in said enclave. Of these, 17 are habitats and 20 correspond to taxa of Annex II. Undoubtedly, it is the Protected Space that best meets the criteria of the Habitats Directive, including the entire area that is necessary to cover a large number of habitats and taxa. Such is the case of the following habitats: Floating Ranunculus vegetation, Oromediterranean heaths, Genista purgans mountain formations, Fruticides and Juniperus groves, Iberian siliceous meadows of Festuca indigesta, Cover peat bogs, Western Mediterranean landslides, Pioneer pastures of rocky surfaces , Galician-Portuguese oak woods, Chestnut forests. Among the equally well represented taxa are: within the invertebrates Cerambyx pig, Coenagrion mercuriale, Euphydryas aurinia, Gomphus graslini and Lucanus cervus; Within the mammals are Galemys pyrenaicus and Microtus cabrerae, there are up to five taxa of fish, two species of lizards, Lacerta schreiberi and Lacerta monticola and Galapagos as Mauremys leprosa. Also among the plant taxa are Festuca elegans, Isoetes velatum, Festuca summilusitanica, Veronica micrantha and Narcissus pseudonarcissus nobilis.



1. Construction of tracks and roads.

2. Construction of houses and warehouses with agricultural or livestock use.

3. Increase leisure activities and free time, increasing the number of visitors.

4. Illegal hunting.

5. Destruction of the habitat due to fires and inadequate agricultural or livestock practices.

6. Forest fires and associated erosion processes.

7. Pollution of rivers and streams by phytosanitary and urban spills.

8. Cultivation changes (especially cherry trees).

9. Inadequate agricultural activities (clearing, felling).

10. Increase in urbanizations in the vicinity of urban centers and those associated with tourism.

More information: Link to the Management Plan


ZEC Granadilla (ES4320013)


It is the northernmost area of the region, which serves as a border with the province of Salamanca. It extends to the southeast by different mountain ranges (Lagunilla, Collado del Sapo and Pesga, its southernmost slope), encompassing the Gabriel y Galán Reservoir that is practically at its southern limit, ending up bordering the Sierra de Gredos. It corresponds to an area with altitudes between 400 and 1,600 meters above the height of the sea, which conditions its relief, defined by the presence of slopes with steep slopes and water courses of medium to small size.


A total of 22 elements referred to in the Directive are represented in said enclave. Of these, 12 are habitats and 10 correspond to taxa of Annex II. Due to its altitudinal gradient, this space is characterized by containing a great diversity of Annex I habitats. On the other hand it also contains numerous plant taxa (Festuca elegans, Silene velutina) and animals; among the latter can be found from invertebrates (Cerambyx pig, Euphydryas aurinia, Lucanus cervus) to mammals (Galemys pyrenaicus, Lynx pardina), passing by herpes (Lacerta schreiberi, L. monticola, etc) and fish (Barbus comiza, Cobitis paludica, etc).




1. Forest fires.

2. Firewall construction.

3. Furtivism, especially of big game species.

4. Leisure activities, especially the gathering of mushrooms and other wild fruits.

5. Carrying out aerial treatments against forest pests (reforestation pine forests).

6. Construction of houses and agricultural and leisure craft.

7. Transformation of pasture areas in irrigated crops.

More information: Link to the Management Plan

Magicall Autumn
Red Natura 2000 Award
DIVA - Asociación para el Desarrollo Integral del Valle del Ambroz -